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  NANOPORATION sets out to explore specific solutions to overcome the current challenges of drug delivery to cancer cells using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) guided focused ultrasound to cavitate micro bubbles for increased cell permeability and to open “drug nano-capsules” releasing proven active cancer drugs directly to the tumour cell population with reduction of drug dosage needed for the desired therapeutic effect 

 The Project

The Project exchanges researchers and transfers knowledge between UNIVDUN research centres IMSaT (Institute for Medical Science and Technology), Engineering and Bio-Physics, Surgical and Molecular Oncology, Nano Materials Laboratory and two companies dealing with different aspects of targeted drug delivery, a manufacturer and developer of state-of-the-art therapeutic ultrasound equipment [INS] and a producer of drug delivery systems based on nanocapsules [CAP] to develop new solution to overcome the current challenges of cancer chemotherapy by development of:

Targeted low energy, focussed ultrasound insonation protocols, which will concurrently release active drug from nano-capsules and other drug carriers (Nanoporation) and increase the permeability (Sonoporation) and hence uptake by cancer cells.

Nano-capsule based drug carrier systems or formulations, which do not involve covalent binding of the cytotoxic drugs with the carrier polymer(s) and release loaded drugs when modulated with focussed ultrasound.

Novel MRI compatible ultrasound and micro-bubble technology enhancement (several orders of magnitude) of the uptake of known anti-cancer agents following systemic administration and affecting this increased uptake only to targeted tumour cell populations.

The intention of NANOPORATION is to develop a long-term collaboration and strong personnel centred relationships between the three partners through a strategic mutually beneficial partnership. The programme focuses on exchange of expertise in MRI guided therapeutic ultrasound, drug nano-capsules, nano-scale sonication research, cell biology and pre-clinical oncology research for targeted delivery of existing chemotherapy drugs. The training and skills development of 4 early stage and 12 experienced researchers from inside and outside the partnership by trainers and 5 senior experienced researchers from both academia and industry is a key objective of NANOPORATION. 

 This IAPP will adopt a strongly proactive approach to dissemination and exploitation of its results involving networking in its mission to promote this drug delivery approach for cancer chemotherapy. The benefits of the joint research activities proposed by this inter-disciplinary IAPP include development of a new integrated treatment protocol, characterised by reduced systemic dosage (less side effects) of existing anti-cancer drugs with more effective tumour cell uptake and hence enhanced objective tumour response.

The establishment of this exchange of knowledge, expertise and culture between the three partners and external researchers through this IAPP will lead to substantial clinical and industrial benefits and enhanced research and development capacity in a growing interdisciplinary area of research.

 Operational objectives:

creating a core group of researchers competent to establish a successful career in this rapidly developing scientific field by providing multi-disciplinary training in cutting-edge methodologies for novel drug delivery and cancer therapy.

Development of low energy ultrasound, focussed, targeted local sonication protocols that will increase the permeability of cancer cells, and release active drug from nanocapsules and other drug carriers.

Significant (several orders of magnitude) enhancement of the uptake of known anti-cancer agents following systemic administration and limiting this increased uptake only to the tumour cell population using novel ultrasound based MRI compatible technology.

The industrial participation will also give the trainees access to valuable techniques and experience in product development, regulatory affairs, project management, quality management, approval and commercialisation of novel drug delivery systems.

Summer School and Workshops

In the third and fourth years of the programme a dedicated, advanced week long course in theory and practice on concepts and methods of novel drug delivery systems utilising integrated MRI and US compatible technology will be organised as a Summer School. During the first summer school focus will be on ultra-sonics technology and its potential application in targeted drug delivery, including business and enterprise workshops exploring the challenges of commercialisation. The second summer school in Y3 will focus on oncology and stability of cancer drugs under ultrasound. Experts from academia and industry will offer rotating lecture on state-of-the-art aspects of oncology and cancer therapy through targeted drug delivery.

Lab Classes will be organized by collaboration with local and invited experts. All seconded and recruited researchers’ will present and discuss their research activity in a progress seminar series.

Workshops and excursions will be organised to the regional industry related to cancer therapy science and technology in order to bring together academic and clinical practice with economic and social needs in the different application fields. These workshops will open up opportunities to the researchers’ to co-operate with industry, and discussions of their research activity with leading experts from different market sectors will focus their research on obtaining results which can be used in a commercially viable way. This will include visits to MRI manufacturers in order that the potential of the installed MRI scanners for integration with FUS for NANOPORATION is explored.